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Teeth Whitening


Tooth whitening has become one of the most popular ways to improve your smile by lightening the existing shade of your natural teeth. This is a simple and effective treatment which can be carried out by your dentist or at home. Tooth whitening is non-invasive treatment which does not involve drilling or removal of the tooth surface. There are many reasons why your teeth can become discoloured

  • Drinking tea, coffee or red wine

  • Food with strong colourings

  • Smoking

  • The natural act of ageing

  • A tooth which is damaged by trauma

  • Some teeth are naturally pigmented or stained as they develop

  • Certain medications

Only natural teeth respond to tooth whitening, Crowns, Bridges, Dentures or Implants cannot be whitened. The outer surface of the tooth is called 'Enamel' this has tiny microscopic holes which trap everyday stains. Tooth whitening gel is a peroxide based compound which penetrates the holes removing the stains and lightening the teeth. Your dentist will arrange for you to have a consultation appointment, where your teeth and gums will examined, you can then discuss which of the tooth whitening option would be best for you. Whitening can be carried out in the surgery, this way your teeth will be several shades lighter in one to two hours. There are many methods used to achieve whiter teeth whilst in the dental chair, all the methods follow a similar procedure -

  • Your gums will be protected using a rubber coating

  • A Peroxide based gel will be applied to your teeth. The gel will begin to work upon contact with the tooth or will be activated using a laser light.

  • After a period of time the gel and the protective coating are removed to reveal whiter teeth

Your dentist will provide you with the whitening kit which contains Custom made whitnening trays and a peroxide based gel. To have the trays made -

  • Home whitening can take up to 14 days to achieve your desired shade.

  • An impression (mould) is taken of your teeth using special dental "putty". The putty is placed into an impression tray; they are both then inserted into your mouth and pushed onto your teeth in order to take an impression.

  • Once the dental putty is set the impression will be removed.

  • The moulds are sent to the Dental Laboratory where our technician will fabricate your custom made whitening trays.

  • The peroxide gel is placed into your trays the tray is then placed onto your teeth for a period of time.

The degree of whitening will vary from patient to patient, greyer teeth can take longer to respond. Tooth whitening is not permanent; the whitening process will need to be repeated every 12 - 18 months to keep your teeth at the shade you desire.


Dental bonding, also known as composite bonding, has been used in dentistry for many years. It is an excellent way to repair cracked, chipped and discolored teeth as well as replacing silver amalgam fillings. Dental bonding can also be used to close gaps and reshape misaligned teeth, providing a straighter, more uniform smile.

Bonding is probably the most conservative of all the cosmetic dentistry. It involves minimum alteration to the original tooth enamel, and is reversible if none of the tooth enamel is removed. The results are seen immediately. Bonding has been used for many years, bonding composite to teeth is a very popular option because the material used matches very closely to the shade of your natural teeth. The Procedure:

  • A local anaesthetic will be given to numb the tooth and the surrounding tissue - not all bonding procedures require an injection

  • The tooth will be isolated from the rest of your teeth using a 'rubber dam' which is a thin sheet of rubber placed over your mouth. It is used to keep the tooth dry as saliva can compromise the bond of the composite.

  • The tooth will be thoroughly cleaned. All decay, food debris or tartar will be removed.

  • The tooth is prepared using a phosphoric-acid-based gel; this roughens the surface of the tooth. A bonding agent (glue) is applied to the roughened surface and set using a concentrated beam of ultraviolet light. The composite is then applied in layers and set at each stage using the ultraviolet light. The composite will be continued to be applied in layers until the desired shape is achieved.

  • The last stage is to polish the restoration to achieve the final shape and smooth finish.


A veneer is a thin layer of tooth coloured material which is placed over your natural tooth to mask the underlying enamel. Veneers are designed to enhance the appearance of your teeth by:

  • Masking permanently stained teeth.

  • Closing Diastemas - spaces between your teeth.

  • Straightening misaligned teeth.

  • Improving the appearance of damaged or broken teeth due to decay or trauma.

The procedure is usually completed in two visits which is a simple and relatively quick route to improve your smile, the first part of the procedure involves the dentist removing a small amount of enamel from the front of your tooth and the second appointment the veneers are fitted into place. Each veneer is individually handcrafted by our dental technician to correct the appearance of your teeth to create a healthy natural look. The first part of the procedure will be a consultation appointment, this is when you can discuss with the dentist the concerns you have with your teeth and explain how you would like them improved. Your dentist will have a 'Diagnostic wax up' made of your teeth to show how your teeth will look with veneers. This is a very simple procedure; the dentist will take impressions (mould) of your teeth and these will then be sent to the laboratory. Our technician will make a cast of your teeth using the supplied impressions (moulds). Dental wax is then applied to the cast, to show how the final veneers will look. If you decide that veneers are for you, two appointments are then needed. The first appointment is when the dentist prepares the teeth and then a second is to fit the veneers. The Preparation appointment:

  • The dentist will give you a local anaesthetic to numb the tooth and the surrounding gum.

  • A small amount of tooth is removed from the front surface of your tooth to make room for the veneers. The dentist will do this using a fast hand drill.

  • An impression (mould) is taken of your teeth using special dental "putty". The putty is placed into an impression tray; they are both then inserted into your mouth and pushed onto your teeth in order to take an impression.

  • Once the dental putty is set the impression will be removed. An impression is also taken of the opposing teeth, so the technician can see how you bite together.

  • The dentist may fit temporary veneers to protect the teeth whilst your veneers are being fabricated. The impression (mould) of your teeth is sent to the Dental Laboratory where each veneer will be handcrafted to create your new smile. This process can take between two and three weeks.

The Fit Appointment:

  • Your temporary veneers will be removed and your teeth will be washed to remove any remaining cement.

  • Your new veneers will be temporarily placed using a special paste which will allow the dentist to make any adjustments that are required and to make sure that you are happy with the appearance.

  • The veneers will then be removed and the tooth surface prepared for the dental adhesive. The veneers will be permanently cemented in place to create the beautiful smile you have been waiting for.

Veneers can last a long time but a lot depends on how you take care of them. You must maintain good oral hygiene brushing and flossing twice a day, also have 6 monthly examinations with your dentists. Habits that damaged your natural teeth, like biting pens and pencils, opening bottle tops with your teeth and biting your nails will also damage your veneers.


A crown is a tooth shaped cover which fits over the existing structure of your natural tooth to protect and restore the tooth's function. Crowns can be used to -

  • Strengthen teeth which have been weakened by decay or a large filling.

  • Protect fractured, cracked and worn teeth.

  • Improve the shape, alignment and shade of a tooth.

  • After root canal treatment, to help strengthen the tooth.

Each crown is individually handcrafted by our dental technician to create a healthy, natural look.


Invisalign is the modern way to get the beautiful straight teeth you've always wanted - without braces.

Schedule a consultation with our team so we can determine if Invisalign is right for you. Invisalign uses a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners that no one can tell you're wearing. So, you can smile more during treatment as well as after. Invisalign is made with 3-D computer imaging technology and has been proven to be highly effective and accurate, especially for adults.

Not only are the aligners invisible, they are removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment. Plus, brushing and flossing are no problem. They are also comfortable, with no metal to cause mouth abrasions during treatment. No metal and wires usually means you spend less time in our practice getting adjustments. Invisalign also allows you to view your own virtual treatment plan when you start so you can see how your straight teeth will look when your treatment is complete.

You wear each set of aligners for about 2 weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move - little by little, week by week - until they have straightened to the final position we have prescribed. You'll visit us about once every 6 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned. Total treatment time averages 9-15 months and the average number of aligners worn during treatment is between 18 and 30, but both will vary from case to case.


Fillings are the most common type of 'restorative treatment'. A filling replaces the part of the tooth that has been lost because decay has caused a cavity in the tooth or because the tooth has broken. One option in restoring the tooth is to have a white filling, commonly known as a 'Composite Filling'. Many people have fillings, the majority being grey metal called 'Amalgam'. Fillings do not just have to be practical, they can also be aesthetically pleasing and thus many patients no longer have the desire for amalgam fillings because they are visible : with most white fillings, no-one would know it was there. Composites are:

  • Composite are referred to as white fillings. Composite is a tooth coloured material composed of glass particles suspended in a resin matrix. It is available in several shades to perfectly match your tooth.

  • Composites are bonded directly to your tooth which can help to support the remaining tooth structure.

Composites can be used for a variety of cosmetic dental procedures -

  • Repairing chipped or broken teeth

  • Closing gaps between your teeth (diastemas)

  • Reshaping your teeth

Composite is not ideal for all restorations on back teeth especially if you have a large cavity, as bonding does not have the strength over large areas or if you have a heavy bite, grind or clench your teeth. The alternative tooth coloured restoration then would be an inlay or onlay.


Fillings are the most common type of 'restorative treatment'. A filling replaces the part of the tooth that has been lost either because decay has caused a cavity in the tooth or because the tooth has broken. One option in restoring the tooth is to have an Amalgam filling however with high quality tooth coloured fillings available, amalgam usage is now declining. Amalgam - Sometimes referred to as a silver filling. This is an alloy which is made up using Mercury, Silver, Tin, Copper and Zinc. It is extremely durable and able to withstand the grinding and chewing of the molar teeth over long periods of time. They are less expensive than white fillings The disadvantages:

  • They look unattractive in the tooth due to its colour.

  • Some people are concerned about the mercury content; please discuss this with your dentist.

  • Amalgam expands and contracts with temperature which can weaken the remaining tooth.

  • The colouring leaches into the dentinal tubules inside the tooth, leaving a permanent blue-gray halo that bleaching cannot remove.

The Procedure:

  • A local anaesthetic will be given to numb the tooth and the surrounding tissue.

  • The tooth will be thoroughly cleaned. All decay, food debris or tartar will be removed. The tooth will then be shaped to accept the amalgam by mechanical retention rather than being bonded or cemented.

  • Depending on the size of the filling, a band may be placed around the tooth which helps to hold the filling material in place whilst it is being packed into the tooth.

  • The Amalgam is packed into the tooth, then carved in to the correct shape.

Although amalgam hardens within a few minutes, it takes 24 hours for it to set fully.


Inlays and Onlays are restorations that are used to rebuild a tooth that has lost a significant amount of its structure due to decay or trauma. Similar to dental fillings but rather than being directly placed into your tooth and then set, they are fabricated in our dental laboratory and then cemented into place. This is known as an 'indirect procedure'. Inlays fit into the tooth whereas onlays sit on top of the remaining tooth structure. Inlays and Onlays can be constructed using:

  • Porcelain

  • Gold

  • Composite

Your dentist will evaluate your tooth to see if it is suitable for an Inlay or Onlay and also decide which material is best. Two appointments will be necessary: the first to prepare the tooth surface and the second to fit the Onlay or Inlay. The first appointment:

  • A local anaesthetic is given to numb the tooth and the surrounding tissue.

  • Any decay that is present will be removed and the tooth surface will be prepared for the restoration.

  • An impression (mould) is taken of your teeth using special dental "putty". The putty is placed into an impression tray; they are both then inserted into your mouth and pushed onto your teeth in order to take an impression.

  • Once the dental putty is set, the impression will be removed. An impression is also taken of the opposing teeth, so the technician can see how you bite together.

  • A temporary restoration will be placed on the prepared tooth to protect it whilst your Inlay or Onlay is being fabricated.

  • The impression is sent to our Dental Laboratory where our technicians will custom make your Inlay or Onlay. This can take up to two weeks.

The Fit Appointment:

  • A local anaesthetic may be needed to numb the tooth and surrounding gum.

  • The temporary restoration will be removed and the tooth cleaned.

  • The dentist will then try in your new Inlay or Onlay, making sure the fit is perfect, your bite is comfortable and you are happy with the appearance. The Inlay or Onlay will then be permanently cemented in place.


A bridge is one of the options to replace one or more missing teeth. It is a permanent fixture that is anchored to the adjacent natural tooth or teeth (the abutment) to 'bridge' the gap where the tooth (or teeth) is missing (the pontic). This also prevents the adjacent natural teeth from drifting. A bridge is a great option if you do not wish to have dental implants or a denture to replace your missing tooth or teeth. There are many different designs and materials which can be used for bridges: your dentist will discuss the best option for you.

Each bridge is individually handcrafted by our dental technician to create a healthy, natural look that also sits comfortably with your bite.


Oral hygiene is important in the early years, to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Regular Dental check-ups help your dentist to help you prevent and treat decay before it causes cavities and toothache. Children should start to visit the dental practice as young as possible, so bring them along with you to your check-ups. They may be too young for an examination but the visits help to familiarise them with the surroundings, the smells, noise, and most important they meet the dentist. The examinations will be informal to start, a quick look using a dental mirror. Counting the teeth and looking for signs of decay. As the child's confidence grows your dentist will carry out a more thorough examination.

The check-up - The dentist will look at the following:

  • Which teeth have erupted (come through the gum).

  • Accessing the development of the jaw.

  • Looking at the soft tissues (tongue, cheeks, lips, and throat).

  • Checking for cavities in the teeth.

  • As the child gets older we will assess how they bite together to check if orthodontics are required later on.

We give advice on preventive care:

  • Healthy diet.

  • Brushing techniques.

  • Fluoride treatments if necessary.

  • Fissure sealants if there's a high risk of cavities developing.

How to take care of your child's teeth: Oral hygiene starts as soon as your child's first tooth erupts through the gum, this is around six months of age. Use a small and very soft child's toothbrush and a rice-sized amount of children's toothpaste. As this contains less fluoride than adult tooth pastes; if you are unsure about the fluoride content please speak to your dentist or health visitor.

Brush twice a day once in the morning and before bed, cleaning the teeth and the gum area. You will need to clean your child's teeth or supervise until they are around 8 years old. Encourage your child to spit the toothpaste out but not to rinse with water as this reduces the effects of the fluoride. Do NOT allow your child to fall asleep with a bottle of milk, formula milk, or any fruit juice as these have hidden sugars which will pool around the teeth as they sleep, leading to cavities. Limit the amount of sugars in your child's diet. If they do have sugary snacks and drinks keep them to mealtimes only and give water and healthy snacks in between. If your child is prone to tooth decay in their baby teeth your dentist may recommend fluoride treatment as this helps to strengthen the tooth surface. Then as the adult teeth erupt through the gum, it may be advised that a protective layer is painted onto the tooth's biting surface, which is called 'Fissure Sealants'.


A fissure sealant is a tooth coloured liquid that is applied on the chewing surface of adult molar teeth to prevent cavities from forming in the early years. Once applied the coating is permanent and will stay on your teeth for a number of years.

Why do I need fissure sealants? Your back teeth are known as premolars and molars and have pits and grooves on the biting surface, some of which can be deep and difficult to keep clean with brushing. Food particles can become trapped and this creates a perfect breeding ground for plaque bacteria which if left, will generate cavities. Fissure sealants work by filling the deep pits and grooves making it easier to clean your teeth and thus helping to prevent cavities from forming. The Procedure:

  • The teeth which the sealants are being placed on will be cleaned and dried.

  • The chewing surface of the tooth will be prepared to accept the Fissure Sealant.

  • The Fissure Sealant is applied to the tooth using a small brush and then hardened by a concentrated beam of ultraviolet light.

Porcelain Veneers
Amalgam Silver Fillings
Inlays Onlays
Children's Dentistry
Fissure Sealing
Composite White Filling
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