Teeth whitening is a non-invasive and simple procedure that is safe and effective. Known as one of the most affordable cosmetic dental treatments, teeth whitening does not require any downtime. The procedure can take anywhere between an hour or two depending on the case!
This procedure starts with a comprehensive consultation wherein the dentist takes a detailed look at your current dental health and discusses the problem areas and your treatment goals! Depending on the discolouration, the teeth whitening process will be discussed. In most cases, dental experts suggest in-office treatments for best results. The number of teeth whitening sessions varies from patient to patient as per the severity of the stains.
In the teeth whitening procedure, a whitening gel is applied to the surface of the teeth. Further, a laser or similar equipment will be used to activate the whitening gel to start the teeth-whitening process. Post that, the gel is reapplied and left on the teeth for several minutes. This process is repeated a few times until the desired level of whitening is achieved.
this session, the dentist will also tell you about the periodic touch-up teeth whitening sessions, if required in your case.
1. Comprehensive dental services: We provide a wide range of dental treatments for all our patients. In addition to teeth whitening, you can also rely on us for general dentistry, preventive dentistry, and emergency dentistry procedures.
2. Safe and reliable treatment techniques: All our dental treatments are safe and reliable. We use the best-in-class certified technology for all our dental treatments. At Supreme Dental San Remo, we prioritise patient comfort and ensure that all our patients are at ease during the treatment procedures.
3. Personalised treatment plans: Our aim is to cater to each patient’s unique needs and requirements. We believe in creating a customised line of treatment plans for all patients after carefully examining their dental conditions and issues.
4. Dental expertise: Our staff and dental practitioners are trained and experienced in dealing with all kinds of dental issues! You can rely on us for all your dental problems.
Book your appointment today and say hello to whiter teeth with our teeth whitening treatment near Archies Creek!